The money thing for the whole state of California is actually beginning to cause me to lose sleep. I am lucky enough, that money isn't a regular concern at home. We live comfortably and I don't really stress about day-to-day expenses. My cheer team's finances, on the other hand, is going to literally kill me.
The ACLU recently settled a case in CA where they stipulated that schools can no longer charge for an activity or sport. They can merely request donations. Now, this lawsuit began when 2 cheer parents from a low income school sued about a decade ago. The idea was that by asking for donations, sports would be opened up to all kids. Sounds like a great plan. BUT, what they forgot about is the fact that the low income kids won't make the donations (not because they don't want to, but rather that they can't), so it just TOTALLY screws the low-income kids out of everything kids at other schools have. This year my kids didn't get to go to cheer camp, don't have uniforms, briefs, heck they don't even have cheer shoes. Now my low-income kids are going to feel even worse when we play against a team with decked-out cheerleaders who aren't affected by this new law (since their parents will glady make the "donations") It's just really widened the chasm.....
Now, I know this sounds like I'm just sitting around whining about my poor, poor students. Well, I agree, that is what I'm doing. Although I do this while we do a ton of fundraising. We've made about $10,000 just this summer alone. The unfortunate thing about that is that that just barely paid off what we spent last year.
Apparently I would make a horrible accountant. Actually it's because the girls all signed a contract promising to pay last year, but then several got wind of this new law and decided they didn't have to pay. But, they had already gone to camp, ridden the buses, competed, etc. The money was already spent and now they don't have to pay it back. I think this is actually just teaching the kids a HORRIBLE lesson. You can get stuff for free........
We have done tons of car washes, sold candy, sold cookie dough, sold snacks at school, sold newspaper subscriptions, sold pies, run a firework booth.....I'm out of ideas! We have asked literally every business in Westminster for donations, but we get the "in this economy...." kind of reaction. I have had a family member offer to buy poms for my girls, and that seriously took off a lot of pressure. My sister and I are going to make bows this weekend, but that's another cost for me. And remember, I VOLUNTEER to coach. It costs me THOUSANDS of dollars every year to volunteer. What the heck??? We have to pay for buses to and from football & basketball games (it's district policy that they can't get themselves there, but then ZERO funds are provided to cover the thousands of dollars that we have to pay for the school buses...arg!). This whole thing may drive me over the edge!
I mean, what kind of world do we live in where a teacher, who already doesn't make that much money, is sent one of these every summer? I mean, ya, we get the summers off, but we surely don't get paid for them!
Yes, teachers buy MOST of the stuff your kids use in the classroom...... |
Anyway, if anyone actually does read this and
1. knows a company that is just SEARCHING for something to donate to (for the tax write-off)
2. knows a really rich person who is just SEARCHING for something to donate to (for the tax write-off)
3. Knows of an amazing fundraiser that I haven't thought of yet....
please let me know!!!!!
Go to to see their adorable faces!
I'm not above working, begging, pleading, and am getting close to being ready for stealing. OK, not yet, but almost. Help!
(and for those of you that are sick of hearing me whine, sorry!!!!! and, thank you for listening!) :)