The Brownells

The Brownells

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About Me

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I have a husband and a puppy. I love one and am obsessed with the other. I'll let you figure out which is which. I love my job, my house, my students, my cheerleaders, and my life. I guess you could say things are going pretty well... I teach high school English and coach cheer. Husband is a video game designer. Guess which one the future Brownell babies will think is cooler...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

127 Hours Vs. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

A few months back, I read this book.  It was amazing.

He cuts off his arm...true story.

Today I saw this movie
Again, he cuts off his arm.....still not joking.

A few things before I talk about either.  Dude cuts off his arm.  I realize I have repeated this three times, but several of the old people in the theater didn't seem to know such acts would take place.  They gasped when the rock pinned him, got really uncomfortable, and then covered their eyes while he was even thinking about cutting his arm off.  Again, I really think that I'm too old to go to the movies, everyone is just too annoying.

Back to the book/movie.  After I read this, I recounted the ENTIRE book to Andrew.  Like the entire book.  He could have written it down and it would have been the same length as the original.  Or listened to the audio book in the same amount of time.  Aron Ralston is essentially superman.  He freaking broke his arm, cut it off, hiked out of a canyon, repelled down a giant drop, and then SURVIVED!  And, he didn't just do that, he seriously stopped and took pictures of it all!!!!

I would never stop screaming.  Just 127 hours of screaming.  He stopped and snapped some pictures...

Since I am a book snob, I usually dislike the movie versions of books, but this time I did not!  The movie was amazing.  One of my favorites this year in fact.  The director, Danny Boyle, did amazing things with the visuals and how he showed water.  It was very impressive.  There were some things that were left out of the movie that I enjoyed in the book, but what are you gonna do?  They had a sort of internal dialogue by using a video camera (think Tom Hanks talking to the volleyball, Wilson). 

Now, to the people who claim that everyone was passing out when he cut off his arm - seriously shut up!  It was kind of gross, but we all know that was fake, right?  James Franco still has his arm.  There were like 10 people in the theater covering their faces (ps - when I first wrote that, I wrote "cutting off their arms" - that would have created an amazing thing to write about.  This just in, people who see 127 Hours start cutting off their arms!!!! haha), but I didn't get to perform CPR on anyone.  One woman did yell out "Oh Sh*t!!!!!!"  after he was done, but that was my only arm amputation excitement.

So, long story short, I give both 127 Hours and Between a Rock and Hard Place a big Brownell thumbs up!

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