The Brownells

The Brownells

More Pictures?

My phone won't let me post pictures on this blog, so I actually have to sit at a computer (which I do very rarely).....So, I post all of our pictures at

About Me

My photo
I have a husband and a puppy. I love one and am obsessed with the other. I'll let you figure out which is which. I love my job, my house, my students, my cheerleaders, and my life. I guess you could say things are going pretty well... I teach high school English and coach cheer. Husband is a video game designer. Guess which one the future Brownell babies will think is cooler...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

127 Hours.....Redux

We just drank some wine and then had a super "deep" convo about this movie. We have decided it really was amazing, but they did in fact leave out some of my favorite parts of the book (which is, funny story, what Andrew, a boy who didn't read the book, just said too!).

I said, however, that even after seeing the movie, I still couldn't put myself in Aron's place. He cut off his freaking arm. I cannot imagine the mindset and motivation of that. He really is a rockstar. I really don't think I could ever do that-even in a life or death situation. Pure insanity!

And, PS, it was great to see James Franco be a real actor, and not play himself on pot. (though, at a certain point, playing a guy who is severely dehydrated is kind of the same ad a pot head...)

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The Brownells

The Brownells