The Brownells

The Brownells

More Pictures?

My phone won't let me post pictures on this blog, so I actually have to sit at a computer (which I do very rarely).....So, I post all of our pictures at

About Me

My photo
I have a husband and a puppy. I love one and am obsessed with the other. I'll let you figure out which is which. I love my job, my house, my students, my cheerleaders, and my life. I guess you could say things are going pretty well... I teach high school English and coach cheer. Husband is a video game designer. Guess which one the future Brownell babies will think is cooler...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What Do Teachers Do During the Summer?

Well, bake of course.  Yesterday I didn't have any set plans, so I decided to bake for all the boys I know (Husband, Red 5 boys, and my bff who was getting home after an extended trip).....

Since I don't do things half-way, I basically made ALL the desserts.

I told Andrew what each one was, but then remembered that they're boys, so there were probably not questions-  just crumbs and grunting....

Chocolate chip cookies, brownies, snickerdoodles, & oatmeal chocolate chip w/ candied pecans
Funfetti Cupcakes (I even left some un-frosted, like husband likes it)

Delivered like a pro

1 comment:

Emily Heizer Photography said...

That is pure awesomeness. Where were you taking them to?

The Brownells

The Brownells