The Brownells

The Brownells

More Pictures?

My phone won't let me post pictures on this blog, so I actually have to sit at a computer (which I do very rarely).....So, I post all of our pictures at

About Me

My photo
I have a husband and a puppy. I love one and am obsessed with the other. I'll let you figure out which is which. I love my job, my house, my students, my cheerleaders, and my life. I guess you could say things are going pretty well... I teach high school English and coach cheer. Husband is a video game designer. Guess which one the future Brownell babies will think is cooler...

Friday, July 22, 2011

To Do

So, I'm officially bored.  I made it until July 22 until it really happened.  Andrew has been working until about 9-10 every night! ZOMG.  That's a long time to entertain myself.  Then my sister started her job this week, so I lost my shopping partner.  AND my best friend has been in Italy all summer.  Arg.  I have gone to the pool, taken a dance glass, shopped the heck out of South Coast Plaza, had lunch/happy hour with friends, organized the house, made a million dr. appointments and done all the stupid stuff that you plan on doing when you "have some time off".  But, alas, I'm officially bored.  (I do, however, have to admit that I'm bored after I start writing a blog, so when I say I'm bored, husband pretty much ignores me).

So, anyway, I'm trying to invent things to keep myself busy.  I decided to get crafty (and not just the gluing my phone back together crafty.....).

I decided to make a "To Do" board for the entry of our house.  I already have a white board hanging there where I write what is for dinner each week (Andrew thought the double board was a little over-kill, but it entertained me a for a little while AND, most importantly, I'm a crazy person.........)

I bought a cork board, painted the border black, painted some  wood cut-out letters white, and painted some little clothespins white.
 I think that I'm going to make a little weekly calender to hang in the middle
 (so we can keep track of the busy weeks), but I really like it!
I figure that I'll use it for stuff that needs to be done.  Right now there's a coupon for Wild Rivers (we're going tomorrow) and my dry cleaning receipt (which I need to pick up next week).  Normally I tape notes to the front door, but this will be much cleaner and more organized.

Now, what makes me really crazy, is that I already totally have this system going in the office:
Monthly Calender on the left & "note" board on the right

Some may same crazy (including, I'm sure, Andrew), however I just say impressively organized.  Right?


Emily Heizer Photography said...

Okay, I have a task for you. I want you to photograph your house and all your little decorating knickknacks and organizational doodads.

I LOVE looking at that crap because I SUCK at it. You could inspire thousands, no hundreds, no, DOZENS... well, at least ONE WHOLE PERSON with the completion of this highly important task. I am intrigued by your thumbnails. Also, I challenge you to sit the heck down at a computer so we can see better. The most exciting thing that happens after a couple gets married and gets a home is how they decorate and organize it. And if I run away, like I plan to do, I will need inspiration and direction.

So.... GO!

Mrs. ummmmmm......Brownell said...

Yay! A task! :) Will do...I was actually just posting about my shoes too.

What do you mean about the pictures? Are they too small? I actually did do the last one at computer, but hey, I warn everyone at the top of my blog that I'm not so good at actually sitting down at a computer. I'm a wanderer/pacer. Not so great at the sitting still......

Emily Heizer Photography said...

Well, when you click on them, they don't get any bigger. :( They appear to be posted at their actual size. I need deets "Brown, like the color, e-l-l." lol Like the pictures on my work blog are at least... what, 5x7 on the screen, or close, these are more like... 2x3 or smaller. Let's work on your design photography skills too. LOL I need help. You are my teacher, TEACH [me to be organized].

The Brownells

The Brownells